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Sweet Beige Omani Elite II

Sweet Beige Omani Elite II is another option from Omani marble that has similar beauty and elegance to the first elite version, but with some slight differences in quality and finishing.:

Features of the second elite Omani "Sweet Beige" marble:

Color: It has a light beige color similar to the first elite, .
Consistency: Although the second elite does not have the same high degree of color consistency and homogeneity as the first elite, .
Durability: Despite being a second elite, it is still durable, strong and suitable for use in many interior and exterior applications, while maintaining good resistance to corrosion and moisture.

Uses of the second elite Omani "Sweet Beige" marble:

Floors and walls: It can be used in residential and commercial projects that require a high-end aesthetic but with a more economical budget. Suitable for floors and walls in interior spaces.
Kitchens and bathrooms: It is used in wet areas such as kitchens and bathrooms, as it provides an aesthetic appearance with reasonable performance in these environments, although some additional maintenance is required.
Stairs and columns: It is used to cover internal and external stairs and columns to add a touch of luxury to the overall design of the building.

Interior decoration: It is used in the design of decorative surfaces, tables, and wall surfaces, adding a natural and elegant touch to different spaces.

Terraces and balconies: It can be used to cover terraces and balconies in residential and commercial projects thanks to its resistance to external factors and providing a sustainable aesthetic.

External facades: It can be used to cover the external facades of buildings, as it provides an elegant appearance without greatly affecting the cost.

Tips for care and use of Sweet Beige Elite II:

Periodic cleaning: It is recommended to clean it regularly using gentle cleaners to maintain its shine and luster.

Avoid exposure to strong chemicals: as they may erode the surface or affect the color.

Maintenance: It may require some minor repairs from time to time, such as treating small gaps or veins that may appear over time.

Omani Sweet Beige Marble is an excellent choice for people looking for the beauty of Omani marble on a lower budget, while maintaining elegance and reasonable durability for various projects.

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  • Item Code

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  • Color

    light beige
  • Color No

  • Size

  • Thicknes

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  • Hardness

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    أرضيات, جدران, واجهات, سطح طاول

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